Sunday, May 24, 2009

When your ♥ Beats;

Epic fail @ Love life = ME! I am INlove, INtoxicated and EMbarrassed. Ah my hearts beating 10x faster my brains are confused and muddled does not know what to think! I don't know what to say how to feel...This is by far the worst of me; lets face it! I SUCK @ LOVE LIFE. I mean i've been single most the time literally & I don't even feel this gushed over boys ever.
Calling for Clark Kent = SOMEBODY SAVE ME! All of a sudden your emotions rush over and Your heart beats faster you go crazier you get fits of giggles and all that EVEN A NORMAL THING?! & Now when you do think its always about "What is he thinking?, How does he feel?" I feel like a little girl falling inlove all over again & last i checked i was only suppose to be in love with CHOCOLATE!

SO; you must be dying to know how on earth this all happened...the crazy shinanigans?!
WELL... here's the 411

So lastnight...I fell for someone..YEPP THAT SIMPLE! that's all there is to it :)

I've been out of it for so long getting back in seems like an all new thing to me...It drives me nuts...
I am not THAT keen on this.. & this all happened on a simple Saturday May 23rd...gee i know what they mean now by
expect the unexpected. I feel like a little girl ahhh! I'm going pink in the cheeks and i NEVER blush.

HELP ME! tell me what to do..SAVE ME! do something!!

xoxo will get back at this.

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