Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Le Canada ♥

I Miss Tom.He

This Blogg is especially for Tom.He!!! An Exclusive heart to heart blogg haha- Ok..really it is ...its filled with memories from when i was in CANADA!

Ok so WHEN i lived in Canada, before i came back to Lonely New Zealand & got corrupted with night life!

I had AMAZING friends in CANADA... Tom was one of them ♥ I remember when we would always go out for bubble tea & sushi!!

And i would always make them eat when they were FULL & Even if they didn't want to eat...I'd make them FULLER!

Oh & We would always go shopping! Tom gave Angie this really nice perfume he liked...& then made me buy him another in replace..

& OUR FAVOURITE thing to do was CUT our hair constantly!!! We ended up doing it every 2-3 weeks instead of every 4-6 weeks!!

We had a cool hairdresser where we went to, His name was John! & he still works there...it was called "Hair Avenue"

Oh && i even dated a hairdresser..his homo name was Parco...that asshole..haha

Tom would always smoke also...BELMONTS...& when he had no other choice he would also smoke CRAVENS...

& Kevin would always rant on about China...This year he basically stayed there...I MISS YOU TOO KEVIN..

& There was cute little Jojo ><" she is so adorable...and crazy Samurai who decided everyone needed Japanese names ROFL >O<

& Tom told me his life story when we got to know eachother..like how he ran away and he had a girlfriend he really loved...

Me&Tom weren't always hanging together...but he was like a brother...XD I KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK AT THE SUBWAY TOO!

Looking back now i seem like a little kiddy...OH & also...we had/have an OBSESSION for Vivienne Westwood..still do till this day!

& This year Tom plans to be a future Fashion designer! So i guess we are all falling under the creative jobs now!!

OH & THERE WAS KENRICK...he was a little lion!! You should have seen his haircut XD...its gone now though!!

But i miss these guys so much xx

Thats the end of the story..there's alot more but im summarizing it!


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